Monday, October 30, 2017

News:: Some people are way too good at Mario Odyssey

There's no shortage of impressive Super Mario Odyssey platforming feats making the rounds now that some players have already mastered Mario's cap-centric moves, but this? This shit is bananas. It's my new go-to clip. How good are people at Mario? Too good!

(If you're wary of spoilers, I wouldn't sweat it. The video from redditor MatrixChicken shows a world Nintendo has featured multiple times in its promotional materials, and there's nothing story-centric. It's just one of the game's hundreds of Moon challenges played extremely well.)

Wall Kicks (and Triple Jumps) Will Work [SMO] from NintendoSwitch

And they've got 9,999 coins, too!

As plenty of folks have noted, Odyssey is going to lend itself to some spectacular speedruns.

Wall Kicks (and Triple Jumps) Will Work [SMO] [reddit]

Some people are way too good at Mario Odyssey screenshot

via destructoid