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Thursday, January 14, 2016
News::These were some of 2015's best selling games
What games sold the most copies in 2015? Exactly the titles you'd expect: the latest entries in long-running franchises like Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Madden NFL 16 and Fallout 4. It's not surprising -- sequels have the springboard advantage of an existing fanbase -- but disappointing: not a single new IP shows up on the NPD's top 10 best selling games list for last year.
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News::ESPN embraces eSports with a dedicated gaming section
ESPN is, slowly but surely, trying its best to embrace eSports. Since last year, the cable network has broadcasted multiple gaming tournaments, despite its president John Skipper once saying he didn't consider eSports to be sports. But now, ESPN's launching a section on that's going to focus on the world of professional gaming, a first for the Disney-owned property. Coverage will include news, original reporting, videos and profiles about influential members from the eSports community.
Source: ESPN
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News::'League of Legends' music gets an EDM remix in 'Warsongs'
Something about electronic dance music makes it the perfect soundtrack to League of Legends. Maybe it's that pounding bass. Maybe it's EDM's steady, rhythmic backbone. Maybe it's the energy inherent in EDM that makes it the soundtrack of choice for many of League's professional players, streamers, YouTubers and even Riot Games itself. Or, maybe it's simpler than all of that.
"League is just cool as fuck and so is EDM."
That's Marshmellow, one of the contributors on Riot Games' latest project, Warsongs, an album of 11 League of Legends tracks each remixed by high-profile or emerging EDM artists. It's available right now to download or stream in the US for free via Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play, iTunes and the League of Legends website.
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News::Channel 4's game publishing arm announces first titles
Channel 4 makes video games? It might sound strange, but the British broadcaster has long tinkered with its own TV tie-ins and now wants to help the larger indie game development community. All 4 Games, a dedicated publishing arm set up last year, is now getting ready to launch its first three titles in the first quarter of 2016. These are Fire Fu by British studio RetroFist, Super Arc Light by the Glasgow team No Code and Apestorm: Full Bananas by Finnish developer Snowhound.
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News::'Twitch Plays' directory makes it easy to find new games
The huge success that is TwitchPlaysPokemon gave rise to a number of other Twitch Plays games, and the video platform wants to make sure you can find them all in one place. If you can't get enough of the format but would like to try a new title, simply load its new directory to see a full list of games the community's playing. Just like in the original Pokemon version, you can still help control the outcome of the game by typing in commands the AI will follow in real time.
Source: Twitch Plays
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News::'Desert Bus' to get a sequel for Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR
The notoriously monotonous prank mini-game Desert Bus is getting a virtual reality sequel, and it'll most likely be just as mind-numbingly unexciting. Just how dull is it, you ask? Well, playing it means driving for eight hours straight on a plain road between Tucson, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada at a max speed of 45 mph. According to Polygon, Penn Jillette (of the Penn & Teller duo that created the game) has revealed that he's working on "a new Desert Bus" during his weekly podcast. It will apparently be set in 1992 just like the first version and will "probably be for the [Oculus] Rift and for the PlayStation VR."
Via: Polygon
Source: Penn Sunday School
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