Saturday, July 25, 2015

News::Fan-made 'GTA V' interactive map app puts Rockstar's to shame

Grand Theft Auto V really seems like the gift that keeps on giving. The latest present? An unofficial map app (Android, iOS and web) that's been updated with collectibles locations from the current-gen releases like Peyote plants that let you play as sharks, eagles and more -- yes, flying around as a bird of prey is bizarre as it sounds. The differences between this and the official app are pretty major, too. As VG24/7 reports, you can add personal notes to the map, track your collectibles progress and even switch between atlas and satellite views of the terrain. Future plans include making streets searchable by name. Interested? Hit the source links below to grab it for your device of choice.

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Via: VG 24/7

Source: Google Play, iTunes, GTA 5 Map

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News::China will lift its nationwide game console ban

Xbox One in China

China technically lifted its longstanding ban on game consoles last year, but only for companies that registered in the Shanghai free trade zone. Needless to say, that put a damper on sales in the world's most populous country. However, the gloves just came off -- China's Ministry of Culture has approved the manufacture and sale of consoles anywhere in the nation. Companies like Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony no longer have to hold back (or rely on black market sales) when doing business. They'll still have to grapple with heavy censorship of the games themselves, but that beats a lack of official options.

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Source: Wall Street Journal

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News::Recommended Reading: The Jeep hack that led to a massive recall

Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read.

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway -- With Me in It
by Andy Greenberg

This piece from Wired actually sparked a recall that affects 1.4 million Fiat Chrysler vehicles. During the test, hackers were able to use an exploit to "kill" the engine, disable the brakes and track location. Pretty scary stuff.

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News::ICYMI: Power-ballad singing tech, foldable bridge and more

ICYMI: Power-Ballad Singing Tech, Foldable Bridge and More

Today on In Case You Missed It: A computer-like display, singing power ballads from the '90s, simply must be seen; Japanese engineers unveiled an emergency bridge that can unfold in five minutes; and the game Half-Life gets hacked to work on an Android Wear watch.

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News::Summer is watching people beat games ridiculously fast for charity

Video game speedruns are always impressive feats of memorization, skill and flawless gameplay -- but twice a year they're also a conduit for altruism. Next week is one of those times. Starting on July 26th, Summer Games Done Quick will kick off seven full days of Twitch-streamed speedrunning. The goal? Raise as much cash as possible for Doctors Without Borders and have a ridiculously good time.

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Source: Games Done Quick, Twitch

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