It seems like only yesterday that I was asking you, my dear children, which game you'd like to see get the "Rebirth" treatment next. In reality, it was almost ten years ago that I wrote that post. Even worse, shortly after I asked the question, Konami killed off the Rebirth lines of games entirely. Hopefully this post doesn't curse Sega's budding "Mania" concept in the same way.
Ah, who am I kidding? Regardless of what I say or do game publishers and developers are always going to find a way to go back to a storied franchise's roots. Mega Man 9 and 10, LoZ: A Link Between Worlds, River City Ransom: Underground, the upcoming Metroid: Samus Returns, and the previously mentioned Rebirth and Mania games are just a few examples of the trend in action.
At least a couple of those games came into being as a response to fan outcry, so we know the people in charge of the industry are listening. So let's tell them what we want! I'm going to spit out a couple ideas for how some of my favorite franchises could return to their pixel-art roots, and I hope you do too.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the already made Maniac Mansion Mania. It's called Thimblweed Park and it's very good.
via destructoid