Tuesday, September 5, 2017

News:: Mouse and keyboard support coming to Xbox One 'soon'

Speaking at a PAX panel this weekend, it was confirmed by Xbox/Windows gaming VP Mike Ybarra that support for keyboard and mouse is on its way to Xbox One.

A lot of players have been asking for the alternate control style for years now, but the delay has generally been in the interest of fair play. Keyboard/Mouse players, as a general rule, always have an advantage over control pad players in terms of accuracy and reaction speeds (one of the reasons cited why Overwatch doesn't have cross-platform play.)

No specific titles were named that would feature support for the control method, although Ybarra did state that the feature would be arriving "soon". Ybarra's full confirmation of the feature, and the issues it raises, can be seen below.

Mouse and keyboard support coming to Xbox One 'soon' screenshot


via destructoid http://ift.tt/2xMHdhO