With Dominion going on ten years now, deck-building is fairly old hat. Once the concept was released upon the world, it blazed through the tabletop scene. Thunderstone and Ascension took the idea to the (yawn) fantasy swords and magic killing monsters theme, and at this point it seems like every big nerd franchise has got a deck-builder. There's Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Alien, and more. Some games slightly tweaked the formula to be dice pools rather than decks of cards, but the central progression remained the same.
I say all this to illustrate a point: these days it can take a lot for a deck-builder to get noticed. It has to bring something new to the table (hyuk hyuk) and that thing had better be good.
So on the heels of the more recent phenomenon of adventure card games (like Pathfinder or Warhammer Quest), Hand of Fate: Ordeals intends to meld the two mechanics into one smooth game. It does all right.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2tPwyQr