Sunday, March 11, 2018

News:: The Destructoid Jumbo Games Music Playlist!

Looking for a new Spotify playlist to have on in the background while you work/play games/polish your duelling swords? The writers at Destructoid have a wonderful present for you! Don't worry, it's 100% free, with no strings (or teeth, or surprise grenades, or whoopie cushions) attached.

Here is our jumbo games music playlist, with over 10 hours of both licensed and OST tracks from a wide range of different games. That's longer than the theatrical version of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, or an entire season of The Simpsons, or a full workday! What a treat.

There's a full track listing below, with who requested which track, the game of origin and when the game was released. Some of the writers added the tracks themselves, while I added them to the playlist for other contributors. My personal favourites are in bold. Enjoy, subscribe and share widely on social media!

The Destructoid Jumbo Games Music Playlist! screenshot


via destructoid