Friday, September 22, 2017

News:: The SNES Mini is perfectly petite, here's what's in the box

We just got the elusive SNES Mini, and surprise, it's adorable.

This tiny little thing might not have a working cartridge slot or eject button but it's easy to pick up and throw around -- not that you'd want to do that given how rare this thing already is. The retro style manual is a nice touch too, as is the included HDMI cable. Along with your power adapter that's all she wrote -- and the retail box is tiny as well.

I can't stress how nice having two controllers out of the gate is. I went into my local GameStop the morning of the NES Mini's release (having pre-ordered it), and asked how  many controllers they had -- "two," they replied, and the line was 20 people long. Yeesh!

That's about all I can say for now! Stay tuned for our review sometime next week.

The SNES Mini is perfectly petite, here's what's in the box screenshot


via destructoid