Here's a wild one: Atari has also partnered with Audiowear to create a baseball-styled cap with built-in speakers, which will also have a limited-edition release with BladeRunner 2049. You read that right! The 1970's old gal even opened an Instagram account. They're getting into the wearables business, I swear this is a real thing that is happening. According to their COO, this might not be the last spinoff Atari lifestyle gadget we'll see, either. They're looking for beta testers to check this out.
We don't know much about the device other than what you see in the gallery below: It's a dark cap, there's a button and a blue light on it for sync, it's rechargeable (we're not sure via what port), there's dual speakers on the flap, it has a microphone, and it connects via bluetooth. You can't really see the speakers unless you're right up in someone's grill. I'm dying to try this thing out in church. In all seriousness, Venturebeat tried one out and noted that the downward-facing speakers aren't easy to eavesdrop on at lower volume levels. Huh.
Honestly, I was full-on ready to hate on this because it's so random and kitsch, but my fat head can't stand jogging with headphones/earbuds or a ghettoblaster over my shoulders. I've got a soft spot for Atari; the 2600 was my first console ever. I'm picking up their new console and following them in awe and confusion. I'm totally gonna review this if I can get my hands on one.
Want one for free? Enthusiast Gaming (our parent company) has ten Atari Speakerhat bundles to give away (10!) which also includes an Atari T-shirt, and the Atari Flashback game collection for PS4 or Xbox One. To enter, just do the social media thing below. Good luck!
via destructoid