Wednesday, February 1, 2017

News:: Hello Neighbor is a horror game for cowards

When I arrived at TinyBuild's PAX South booth for my Hello Neighbor appointment, hoping to either get a hold of somebody or hop on a station myself, I noticed something that both piqued my interest and got me a little worried: a lot of kids were playing the game. And I'm only 21 years old, so you know that when I say "kids," I mean "actual children."

To me, that meant that either Hello Neighbor was a kid-friendly game or a popular YouTuber had gotten their hands on it. Or both! (See also: Minecraft.) Turns out I was right -- the "stealth horror" title is fairly popular on YouTube, as you'd expect from a video game that feels like it owes more than a little to the Slender craze. According to TinyBuild CEO Alex Nichiporchik, that is absolutely intentional. "Our target demographic is the 'Minecraft Generation'," Nichiporchik said to me at PAX South.

If my reconnaissance told me anything, the team was absolutely successful in targeting young players. The kids I saw playing Hello Neighbor seemed like they were having a blast. It's not hard to see why -- the game has all the mechanical trappings of a YouTube-friendly survival horror game, but it's been designed to avoid potentially frightening jump scares and has been endowed with a cartoony aesthetic that feels more Toontown than Resident Evil 7.

Hello Neighbor is a horror game for cowards screenshot


via destructoid