Somehow, Yager's take on gigantic tactical ships blasting the ever-loving crap out of each other stealthed under my radar. Dreadnought has been in closed beta since last April on PC, but it's now coming to the PlayStation 4 as well. I played a five-versus-five match at PSX, and I came away from it with a big dumb grin on my face.
While many space combat games that have come out lately -- No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous, and EVE: Valkyrie all come to mind -- have been focused on weaving through the fray in fast-paced firefights, Dreadnought is content to let you play more tactically. Brett and Nic have already covered what a joy this is to play in their own respective previews, but I have a couple thoughts of my own.
First, the variety in ships allows for varying tactics, of which I feel I only dipped my space toes in. The first ship I chose was more of a destroyer type, meant to fire from afar using missiles and heavy blaster cannons. Another was more of a support ship, with healing lasers and a separate pod that could be deployed to repair teammates. By far my favorite vessel was one built for close-quarters combat: I would stay low to the ground, enemy in sight, and as soon as I was in range I would teleport to close the distance, switch to my flak cannons, and watch the explosive carnage ensue. I was told this was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg with it comes to ship choices, which blows my mind a little.
via destructoid