Monday, October 13, 2014

News::Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor Review | Codec Moments

Cev at Codec Moments writes; "Developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment, Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor is an action adventure game that centres around the half life of a Ranger, Talion, who has been denied access to the afterlife, but has been removed from the land of the living. With a healthy dose of pre-panning from the unwashed masses for being a total Assassins Creed knock off, if its truly be compared to anything, itll be closer to the recent series of Batman games but ultimately, its not even that. Shadow Of Mordor is simply an amalgamation of some of the best and worst things in video games in the current times, as well as a healthy dose of something else entirely."

via N4G: pc news feed