Monday, October 13, 2014

News::Alien: Isolation Review | Entertainment Buddha

The franchise, thanks to its rich characters, and of course the killer alien, is perfect source material for an amazing video game experience, but unfortunately, at least up until now, no game developer has really been able to do the series justice in playable form, nor have any of the games ever recaptured the terror you may have experienced while watching the first Alien film. The disturbing trend of mediocre Alien games remained strong throughout history, with Alien: Colonial Marines almost cementing the fact that no game developer really had the keys to success for making a fantastic Alien video game experience. Luckily, in 2014 this trend has been killed off, and hopefully for good, thanks to Creative Assemblys brilliant take on the franchise with its multi-platform Alien: Isolation title.

via N4G: pc news feed