Friday, March 22, 2013

News::Delver's Drop began as a mash-up of Zelda and pinball

I am always fascinated to hear developers talk about how the ideas for their game first come into existence. Sometimes it can be a revolutionary moment of clarity where all the stars are aligned and pure wonder takes on physical form. Most of the time however, it starts with taking an already well-defined idea or mechanic and adding your own spin to it. Through that process of iteration, the idea is slowly refined until it’s polished to a mirror shine.

I recently spoke with the fine folks of Pixelscopic, the studio behind Delver's Drop. They shared some information on how their top-down, dungeon-generating, action-RPG started as a tilt-controlled, bumping RPG for the iOS devices.

Zelda meets pinball was our internal pitch for it. Then we started expanding those ideas,” said Ryan Baker, vision director, CCO and co-founder of Pixelscopic. “The first kind of idea that I had, picturing it in my head would actually be a motion-controlled iPhone game where you just tilt, slide around and bump into enemies. When you bump into them, your character automatically slashes with their sword.”

Delver's Drop began as a mash-up of Zelda and pinball screenshot


via destructoid