Monday, April 2, 2018

News:: Another wacky topic planned for Japan's next Splatoon 2 splatfest

Hot on the heels of the latest splatfest news from North America and Europe, Nintendo Japan have got in on the action, announcing the next splatfest topic for Switch arena-shooter Splatoon 2.

Scheduled to take place later this month, the next Japanese splatfest asks players whether they prefer Unknown Creatures of Advanced Technology. I guess what they're asking is whether you have a fascination for the phantasmagoria of undiscovered species, or whether you are much more interested in the realities of science and technology. The splatfest is sponsored by JAMSTECH: The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.

Pearl will be backing Team Unknown Creatures, while her DJ pal Marina will be in the corner of Advanced Technology. I always saw Marina as the character more prone to the power of imagination, with Pearl being the more grounded-in-reality type. In fact, when they did Fantasy vs Sci-Fi, that was they way the characters voted. Get your lore in order, Nintendo.

This splatfest will take place April 21 from 15:00 JST until the same time the next day. Here in the West, America will battle it out over Baseball vs Soccer, while Europeans can decide whether popcorn should be sweet, or as salty as I am when Off the Hook act out-of-character.

Another wacky topic planned for Japan's next Splatoon 2 splatfest screenshot

via destructoid