Wednesday, October 4, 2017

News:: 2K proudly announces that WWE 2K18 won't have microtransactions

2K Sports has made quite the name for itself this year with NBA 2K18's ludicrous file size on Switch and abundance of microtransactions. One look at the in-game shop would have you mistake it for a particularly scummy mobile game, but its actually a full priced, retail endeavor. Is there no end to 2K's madness? Apparently, that insanity won't spill over into WWE.

According to a tweet from the official WWE 2K18 Twitter account (since when do games have their own individual accounts?), "There are no paid microtransactions in ." While that is fine and dandy, what the hell are the loot boxes that the game features?

2K proudly announces that WWE 2K18 won't have microtransactions screenshot


via destructoid