Sunday, September 3, 2017

News:: Splatoon 2's superpowered SplatFest results are now in

After 24 hours of inking mayhem, the results from Splatoon 2's latest SplatFest are now live. The scores were announced a little later this time as the decision was made to combine the U.S. and European totals.

In the battle of the superpowers, Flight soared to victory over Invisibilty in an incredibly close 2-1 victory. Though Invisibility took the votes, both Solo and Team turf wars went in Flight's favour.

Of the narrow victory, the SplatFest representatives had little to say. Pearl, who was backing flight, said "Blam!" although this was very intuitively counter-pointed by sore loser Marina who said "Buh-Bam!" Human chess at its very finest.

Marina, who had previously suggested that invisibility would allow you too "spy on people while they were... inking their Splat Zone", looked like she was going to cry at the final results. You probably helped that happen.

The next SplatFest in Japan will see McDonalds Fries battle McNuggets in which food item tastes less of medieval horror (probably), and begins on September 9.

Splatoon 2's superpowered SplatFest results are now in screenshot


via destructoid