Things have been a little slow on the blogging-about-video-games front, which works out okay now that we've got shows like Red Rocket League and The D-Team up on our new Dtoid Fight YouTube channel, but makes for some scattershot podcast episodes. This latest one runs a gamut of topics; you might just find one you like.
Steven Hansen, Brett Makedonski, and Ray Porreca talked about frozen pizza, the short-lived tenure of The Mooch, and why Steven approves of the use of anabolic steroids. Eventually they got around to talking about one video game, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
As usual, the episode rounds out with some listener questions and an instance of SATPOTPAQ, which focuses on animal knowledge this time. No Hot Dish this week, but next episode should have one!
Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or download it here.
via destructoid