"Every day we stray further from God." -Dzousa
Not to be outdone by yesterday's bizarre Atari bluetooth baseball cap, KFC and Mountain Dew have teamed up to sell you a bluetooth-enabled actual box of chicken that doubles as a game controller. I swear I'm not making this up, there's video proof below!
The "Gamer's Box 2.0" comes with a big-ass can of soda on top that, once removed, serves as a cell phone holder, and there's a game joystick sticking out of either side. It's exactly like a DIY chicken-filled Switch. Just like the Switch, you can't find this anywhere or buy it. It's only in India.
If you're perplexed how you get your chicken out while you game, don't worry: They've got this shit computed. They've inceptioned a box of chicken within the box of chicken, so it's more of a force field for the noticeably smaller chicken vessel inside. It's too bad there's not a hand-crank so you can blend your Mountain Dew and lukewarm chicken together into a neon caffeinated poultry broth to suck through a meaty straw while you game, never ever taking your hands off Muffin Knight. Maybe we'll get that in 3.0.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2tMP7sY