Adi Shankar is quite a cult hit in film circles. He's made a name for himself by fully investing into properties he loves. It's a nerdy demeanor that's absolutely infectious as its led to his famous "Bootleg Universe," in which he's produced short films based on Venom, The Punisher, Judge Dredd, James Bond, and even Power Rangers (to a lesser extent). He's always been sort of an inspiration to me since it's the kind of stuff I'd like to make if I had his pull.
When Shankar announced he was taking on Konami's Castlevania series for Netflix, it definitely raised a few eyebrows. Even with Warren Ellis attached to write (who's apparently working on an adaptation for the last decade), and Frederator Studios attached to animate, I still had this inkling feeling something wouldn't quite click here.
It seems like Netflix wasn't too confident either. While the viewership for its first season was great enough to already get a second season (with double the episode order) in motion, Castlevania right now seems like a higher-budgeted version of Shankar's bootlegs.
via destructoid