Forum threads complaining about game balance are a dime a dozen for any popular game, but it's always interesting when a developer or designer joins in. Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan did just that in the wake of Doomfist's release, sharing his perspective on the current meta, balance, and his ideas about the perception of balance on the forums.
Kaplan's post was mostly a response to complaints about the current “dive meta” of the game. This is a playstyle that focuses on teams of highly-mobile heroes such as Tracer, Winston, and D.Va who are used to blow through the front-line of the enemy team, pick off support heroes, and overwhelm the competition. While there is nothing exactly wrong or unfair about this playstyle, some Overwatch players have grown bored with what is considered a mandatory team composition for winning.
Well, bad news for those players, Kaplan and the Overwatch team don't plan on doing anything to artificially shake up the meta any time soon.
via destructoid