Sitting nice and neatly in a row on my big-ass shelf of games is every entry in the Professor Layton franchise. From The Curious Village to the Azran Legacy, they sit there, waiting to be joined by Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy, aka Lady Layton, aka Lady Layton: The Millionaire Ariadone's Conspiracy. That is supposed to hit the 3DS in the west sometime later this year, but on July 20 I'll be able to play through the whole game on my iPad. We've known it would have a worldwide launch on mobile this month, but now we know how much it will cost us.
Level-5 confirmed Layton's Mystery Journey will retail for $15.99. It's available now for preregistration on Google Play. Somehow, I expect the 3DS version to be the standard $39.99 price.
To celebrate this final stretch to the game's launch, the publisher dropped a new trailer for the game.
via destructoid