Saturday, April 1, 2017

News:: It's time to have an open discussion about fake groomers

It's no secret that society has gone to the dogs. In a world like this it's not surprising that dog culture has slowly become revered. The once-reviled image of the basement dwelling dog fancier who spends all of their time grooming their pooch has been exchanged for a new and far more desirable image. As with any cultural shift though, this rise in nerdy acceptance has given way to a whole category of people who’ve glommed onto the tropes of the culture as a status symbol.

Since it's one of the oldest and easiest subsets of dog culture to enter, grooming has become a focus point for those seeking to adopt this new image and it can be hard to pick out the posers from the true dog show enthusiasts. It’s not hard to find a significant other who claims to be interested in your favorite pastime, but there are some sure-fire signs that they’re doing it for the prestige rather than for the silky feel of a well-coiffed pup.

There are plenty more reasons why someone would pretend to be more interested in grooming than they actually are (maybe they just desperately want to share an interest with you), but it can be pretty frustrating to date someone who’s only acting the part when you thought you’d found a perfect match.  

Despite the fact that grooming as a subculture has defined its own personality over the years, developed a community of millions, and has proven itself to be the past-time of stable and well-adjusted individuals there are still plenty of stigmas about it that can cause awkward social situations. Because of this, a majority of dog grooming fanatics will shy away from revealing themselves until they’re pretty confident they’re among like-minded peers.

Fake groomers are interested in the hobby as a social status, either because they desperately want to be part of a group or because they’re fascinated with the idea of being part of something that’s not mainstream. With those motives as the root of the hobby, most fake groomers will overly proclaim their fandom, screaming it from rooftops at any opportunity because validation from the outside is what they really seek. I’m not suggesting that every single person who wears a Westminster Kennel Club t-shirt is projecting more than embodying, but it’s these sorts of things that show an obsession with the presentation of their subcultural attachments.

However, it’s these same people who will constantly try and prove their authenticity by baselessly defending their hobby rather than quietly enjoying it like they should. Only people who are insecure about their outward projection need to constantly reassert themselves and their position by challenging non-groomers by pointlessly bringing up minute trivia, throwing up barriers to entry, or judging others for how legitimately interested in the hobby they are.

[, with some slight alterations.]

It's time to have an open discussion about fake groomers screenshot

via destructoid