Games don’t tend to age as well as entertainment from other media. A movie made 60 years ago, even if it’s not a particularly well-made movie, can be just as enjoyable today as it was when it first hit theaters. There are many video games from my childhood in the '80s and early '90s that I absolutely loved, but can’t push myself to play today because issues I could ignore or missed as an adolescent today stand out like a sore thumb.
The Legend of Zelda is not one of those games. When it was released it changed gaming, and when I finally got to play it at five years old, it changed me and started a lifelong love affair with interactive entertainment. So well crafted, so forward thinking, the NES masterpiece is just as playable today, 30 years later, as it was when it was first released. Something tells me 30 years from now, when I’m 61, I’ll be saying the same thing about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
via destructoid