Thursday, March 23, 2017

News:: Resident Evil: Code Veronica rated in Germany, could be coming to current platforms

Since basically every other Resident Evil is coming to PS4 and Xbox One (where are the Outbreak games?!), Code Veronica may as well join them. It was recently rated for the German USK on PS4, but since all of them have hit Xbox One as well it's only a matter of time if this rating is accurate -- and it'll probably be the Code Veronica X HD version from 2011.

For the uninitiated, Code Veronica is ham incarnate. The past games dabbled in camp, but this one reveled in it, for better or for worse. I occasionally go back and replay it, and the pure silliness always gets me -- it's never going to be at the top of the list for just about anyone, but it's a fun romp if you can get it on the cheap.

Resident Evil: Code Veronica [USK]

Resident Evil: Code Veronica rated in Germany, could be coming to current platforms screenshot

via destructoid