Monday, February 13, 2017

News:: 'Final Fantasy XV' is actually a cookbook

Food is pretty important in Final Fantasy XV -- and it's not just obvious Cup Noodle product placement either. Meals add to your vitality and strength, increase magical resistances and even offer the chance of more experience points to grow your team. They're integral to your near-daily camp-outs, when you recover from battles and thumb through all the photos your bros took. Each dish has different benefits, and there are a lot of ways to learn new meals, from eating your way around the restaurants of the world of Eos, to buying cookbooks and even just being "inspired" by poetry and random ingredients (often monster body parts) you pick up along the way.

FFXV also attempts to offer some sort of regional differentiation in cuisine as you road-trip across states and towns. Some dishes are simply more elaborate twists on meals you've already eaten, but they're nonetheless different, with different local fish or delicacies. But is it actually possible to cook such varied cuisine, from rice balls to delicate sweet pastries, on (Coleman-sponsored!) cooking equipment? I took my high-school home economics skills to my kitchen, to see how I stacked up against Ignis, the game's designated cook. He's a glasses-wearing, English-accented, car-driving butler type. And now my eternal rival.

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