For all intents and purposes, Dead Space 3 is a pretty big failure. It eschewed the ideas that the first two games were building on and contained all of the worst bits of the modern games industry. There was a microtransaction-laden system which saw crafting materials drop at a lower rate to coax players into spending money, a co-op campaign that locked out some content in the campaign, and an ending that was hidden behind DLC. The game isn't necessarily a bad action title, but it fails to be Dead Space and ultimately does nothing to close out the story of Isaac Clarke.
To the surprise of no one, Dead Space 3's creative director Ben Wanat, who sat down for an interview with Eurogamer's Chris Bratt, confirmed that the original pitch for the finale didn't include any microtransactions or action-heavy elements. Detailed in the video below, Bratt goes over what the original plan for Dead Space 3 was and how EA's expectations for continued sales basically killed the game before it had a chance.
via destructoid