Tuesday, December 6, 2016

News:: Goodbye! BoxBoy! triple pack coming, amiibo confirmed

Oh hey, more Boxboy! Well, even more than we already got with the sequel, at least.

Out of nowhere Nintendo announced a new entry in the series, which will be released in Japan both digitally and as part of a triple-pack. The kicker? The package comes with an adorable little Boxboy amiibo that will unlock "secrets" in-game.

It's coming on February 2, and while the threequel will be 680 yen (roughly $6), the package will run you 3,456 yen (about $30). I will import with reckless abandon for that amiibo.

Boxboy [Nintendo]

Goodbye! BoxBoy! triple pack coming, amiibo confirmed screenshot

via destructoid http://ift.tt/2g6bH9o