Tuesday, November 1, 2016

News:: Journey developer shares teaser image for its next game

Many Americans most closely associate the month of November with Thanksgiving -- that holiday where you give thanks. Journey developer thatgamecompany seemingly finds this month an ample opportunity to focus on the "giving" part instead.

This morning, thatgamecompany shared a teaser image for its next project. It's simply a candle using its flame to light another candle. It's captioned "a game about giving."

It's scant to be sure, but most won't necessarily need more right now. With Journey being as revered as it is (it won 6 of the 11 categories at the 2013 GDC Awards), thatgamecompany doesn't need to sell itself. That'll come naturally. In fact, we probably shouldn't expect much of a marketing cycle at all. With games like this, less is usually more.

@thatgamecompany [Twitter]

Journey developer shares teaser image for its next game screenshot


via destructoid http://ift.tt/2ek7tbr