Sunday, August 10, 2014

News::Hype And Critical AcclaimWhy It Sucks

Hype and critical acclaim is a sure fire way to kill a games reputation. With the recent media and consumer backlash surrounding The Last of Us Remastered, conversations have shifted focus from whether or not a PS4 translation was necessary and have instead migrated on to the real meat and bones; is The Last of Us good? Certainly, the original release on the Playstation 3 has received hundreds of awards and became one of the most notable releases of the past generation and will probably be remembered for years to come. Do I personally like The Last of Us? Yes, I do. I think its one of the high water marks of the gaming industry thus far, though that doesnt mean all the acclaim it has received is warranted or even fair to Naughty Dog.

via N4G: pc news feed