Friday, January 31, 2014

News::French Titanfall is the best Titanfall

Here's a new trailer for Titanfall, "The Battle Begins." In French!

Now, I know I just said French Titanfall is the best Titanfall, but then I went and looked up language support and I have to rescind that statement.

Italian Titanfall is the best Titanfall. But French Titanfall is the best non-English Titanfall I've been exposed to thus far.

As mechs rip opposing pilots out of their cockpit and thrash them by the leg, tearing every tendon and breaking every bone in their knees, and jetpack clad folks run up walls, I'm struggling to see why so many people are down on Titanfall as more of the same. Looks good to me. And I don't have to play it in English.

French Titanfall is the best Titanfall screenshot

via destructoid