Thursday, February 7, 2013

News::Tomb Raider vid puts the 'fun' in 'fundamentals'

Tomb Raider vid puts the 'fun' in 'fundamentals' screenshot

Square Enix released yet another Tomb Raider video centered around features players can look forward to in the upcoming reboot of the franchise. Here you'll learn about the "Base Camp" system, special locations where Lara can use salvage to upgrade her equipment, and functioning as locations for fast travel through the game's open island environment. In the event that you have not yet played a game featuring fast travel, you're in for a treat here.

They also introduce a concept called "Gear Gating," which is a buzzwordly way of saying you're going to use equipment to open new areas to explore as you progress through the game. It's all told in dramatic narration and it sounds really impressive until you realize that they're hyping basic mechanics present in action-adventure games for more than a decade. Of course, that's not any reflection on the game itself (which I'm quite keen on) but maybe I'll lay off watching the marketing for a bit.

via destructoid