Thursday, February 7, 2013

News::Antichamber recouped Indie Fund investment in an hour

Antichamber recouped Indie Fund investment in an hour screenshot

You probably knew that Antichamber had, prior to its release last week, been in development for years. What you might not have known is that designer Alexander Bruce got financial support from the Indie Fund to help see the project through to completion.

"Antichamber recouped its Indie Fund investment less than an hour after launch," reads an updated Indie Fund blog post. "Alex needed very little money from us, so that by itself doesn't say much, but the game did have an amazingly excellent launch day, both financially and critically."

Despite being well received by what seemed to be most people who played Antichamber at conventions and the like, I could absolutely have envisioned a future in which it didn't catch on commercially. Screw you, healthy cynicism. After reaching the top of the Steam charts on Friday, it's lovely to see the game still sitting in the top five today.

via destructoid