I was a huge fan of Battle Chasers when it was first released. A big reason for that is it was the first comic I ever read that seemed to love my favorite games as much as I did. Artist Joe Mad was just as in love with SNES RPG Chrono Trigger and Capcom's stable of '90s fighting games as I was. He brought that love directly into Battle Chasers, in ways both direct and subtle, and I ate it up regardless.
Flash forward 20 years later and Joe Mad has gone on to work on several games, including the Darksiders series and Battle Chasers: Nightwar. Out of the two, it's Battle Chasers that does the most to capture the energy of Joe's 2D art and his admiration of the previously mentioned influences. Though the graphics here are largely polygon based, this still looks like a cross between Chrono Trigger and Darkstalkers most of the time, making it one of the few modern games that I wanted to play just for the graphics.
The game's jump to the Switch has brought along with it a few minor technical quibbles, but for the most part, it's still a must-have for fans of the comics and/or the games that the comics were inspired by.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/battle-chasers-nightwar-brings-its-neo-chrono-trigger-style-to-the-switch-502878.phtml