Wednesday, April 4, 2018

News:: Looks like Spike is playable in Mario Tennis Aces

It's so nice having a Mario Tennis game to be excited about again. Camelot seems to be on the right track with Mario Tennis Aces for Nintendo Switch, which is to say that it looks like a full-fledged game with a lot of the things we liked in old Mario Tennis titles and some more experimental stuff, too.

Today, thanks to a family-focused Switch advert of all things, we got a quick peek at a new character in Aces. It's Spike! Y'know, those annoying spiked-ball-throwers that have shown up throughout the Super Mario series ever since Super Mario Bros. 3.? Yeah! Those little gremlins! Just skip to 1:49 in the video.

There's room for quite a few more spaces on that character selection screen, wouldn't you say? It'd be fun to play as the freakishly lanky Weird Mario from Super Mario Maker. Think of his reach!

[Via @Nibellion]

Looks like Spike is playable in Mario Tennis Aces screenshot

via destructoid