Friday, April 13, 2018

News:: Have buckets of fun with Splatoon 2's Tri-Slosher Nouveau today

The Tri-Slosher Nouveau is preparing to make a helluva mess in Nintendo's arena shooter Splatoon 2, as the somewhat undignifed weapon is added to the game's arsenal today.

The Tri-Slosher Nouveau is, of course, a variant on the original Tri-Slosher. While many other weapons in the game are subverted takes on water-guns, hosepipes and even military weaponry, the Tri-Slosher is basically a bucket, nothing more or less. It has a messy, wide spread and is capable of taking down an opponent in two good "sloshes".

The Nouveau variant comes equipped with a Splat Bomb sub and an Ink Storm special. As usual it will go live this evening in North America, with Europe and Japan to follow early tomorrow morning. Have a good weekend, Squid-kids!

Have buckets of fun with Splatoon 2's Tri-Slosher Nouveau today screenshot


via destructoid