It's time again for another batch of anime to hit the tubes, which means it's time for another installment of the Binge Log, our seasonal roundup of impressions and hot takes on all the latest Japanese cartoons.
As in previous installments, below you'll find a big ol' list of Spring's newest series, and, where applicable, the thoughts Destructoid and Japanator staff had on what they've seen so far. This Spring seems to be bringing a heavy lineup of big-name sequels and adaptations, including a new Sword Art Online spinoff, the latest installments of powerhouses like Food Wars! and My Hero Academia, and even many a veteran anime fan's white whale: a brand-new series based on Full Metal Panic!
Now, this isn't an exhaustive list of the frankly absurd amount of anime series being debuted this season, but it's definitely a rundown of the shows we've watched so far or otherwise felt the need to comment on, along with some quickie info on where you can begin your spring otaku journey! Head on through to see what we thought, and sound off on what we cruelly forgot to keep an eye on this season!
via destructoid