Gather 'round Papa Niero, it's that time of year to tell our best story: The story of how Destructoid came to be as a video game community. Most of you already know the story, so please humor us as we enlighten the new people just recently discovering us. Oh and that's Lyle Rath in the helmet, there's no way I'm at skinny and metal. Maybe 12 years ago. How time flies, eh? I'm pushing 40 now and it's still such a pleasure to do this. It's still my favorite thing in the world, I can't picture myself doing anything but being your publisher.
Before I get into our back story, I want to thank everyone over at @EGLXofficial for having at their gaming expo. Just like them, we Voltron'ed-up with the Enthusiast Gaming family and it was one of our best years ever. We've lived long enough to go from a bunch of dorks who wouldn't be allowed into a gaming convention to becoming part of one of the biggest video game networks in the history of the Internet. In fact, when we add up all our sites we reach over 100 million unique readers a month. That's insane! These guys really get it and I'm very happy to be working with them.
So how did we get here? WTF is Destructoid? I wrote a little something for our EGLX convention trade show magazine which I'll share with you here.
via destructoid