Mars is dead.
The International Mars Mission, a global effort to establish a self-sufficient colony on Earth's nearest neighbor, is dead because of two idiots.
The first idiot was Anthony Krillov, an idiot whose foolish, clumsy flailing caused Mars Dome #1's only Rare Metals Extractor to shut down, depriving the fledgling colony of needed raw materials with which to assemble electronic parts, which in turn were necessary to maintain the mission’s essential drone workforce. A cascading series of disasters stemming from the lack of maintenance led to food, oxygen, and water shortages, and before long, everyone was dead. Thanks, Anthony!
The other idiot was...myself, the dope who allowed Anthony to board the rocket from Earth in the first place, despite his having "Idiot" listed right there in his profile, all because I needed some warm bodies to help run Dome #1’s new diner. Thanks, me!
Suffice it to say, we did not survive Mars this time. Maybe next time?
via destructoid