Thursday, March 15, 2018

News:: Patch notes released for tomorrow's Dragon Ball FighterZ update

March 16 sees the second major update to Arc System Works' excellent anime slugfest Dragon Ball FighterZ. Namco Bandai have released notes for the patch, which accompanies February's fixes as part of the team's "roadmap" to improving gameplay.

World Match will see its rematch option changed from two matches to three in both Ranked and Casual mode. More importantly, further work has been done on improving the game's matchmaking, as well as improve the overall online experience regarding. Hopefully the random disconnect issue (which has improved since February) will soon be a thing of the past.

All sorts of specific character bugs have been addressed, ranging from combos not registering on the counter, to incorrect sound files when calling out partners. Another minor implementations include adding the Offline Lobby to the title screen. A new feature introduces "Z-Unions". Essentially character-based fan-clubs, joining a Z-Union for your favourite fighter can bag you special rewards, that increase in quality the longer you stay in the Union, thus rewarding dedicated mains. The patch notes can be read in full right here.

Dragon Ball FighterZ
is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Dragon Ball FighterZ March update patch notes

Patch notes released for tomorrow's Dragon Ball FighterZ update screenshot

via destructoid