Among all the enhancements and overhauls that were a part of the Shadow of the Colossus remake, there was one fairly substantial secret addition. There's a new collectible, something that fans have taken to calling "enlightenments" or simple "gold coins." There are 79 of them sprinkled throughout the world, and getting near one will cause a chime to play through your DualShock 4 controller.
We're a mere couple of days after the remake's release, and people have already figured out the purpose the enlightenments serve. Nabbing all of them will activate a secret door that leads to the bottom of the Shrine of Worship. A new items awaits down there -- the Sword of Dormin, which is a powerful damage-dealer but reduces health regeneration.
For anyone unwilling to wander the land to find all of these, PS4Trophies has done the dirty work in a stream that lasted nearly three hours. The video embedded below starts right at the sweet spot, just seconds before they discover the new door. And with that, the remake's greatest mystery has been put to rest (unless there's something even more enigmatic out there).
via destructoid