Friday, February 9, 2018

News:: Monster Hunter: World updates now live on PS4 and Xbox One

Capcom has sent out its first wave of updates for smash-hit adventure title Monster Hunter: World. The new patches, which should be good to go as you're reading this, update the PS4 version to 1.05 and the Xbox One edition to

The update mostly pertains to bug fixes, with the PS4's "Lost Squad" error getting corrected. Unfortunately, this will mean all of those affected by said bug will have their squad data wiped, and will have to re-invite party members again. Players who were unable to claim the time-limited "5 Million Celebration Item Pack" should now be able to do so, and the pack will remain available until February 22.

It terms of balance changes, the Bowgun has been tweaked, with a nerf to Slicing Ammo and buffs given to Normal, Pierce and most Elemental Ammo in exchange. Xbox One matchmaking remains an issue, however, with the developer apologising for the delay in rolling out a fix.

The full notes can be read below:

Monster Hunter: World updates now live on PS4 and Xbox One screenshot


via destructoid