Tuesday, February 6, 2018

News:: Rise & Shine's Switch port is 'hanging by a thread' due to Unity issues

We often hear about how great developer's experiences are with the Switch, but the creators of Rise & Shine (self-described "ex-Plants Vs. Zombies and Worms devs") are running into their own, possibly unique, problems. According to the studio on Twitter their Switch hopes are "hanging by a thread," due to "Unity plugin compatibility issues."

Right now they don't have the actual game running on Switch hardware, but got the "title screen working," which for them is a "huge step." They only just got Switch dev kits, and with the indie community being as supportive as it is, odds are they'll get some advice very soon as to how to jump over this hurdle.

We've reached out to SuperMegaTeam for more specifics, but if you were holding out for the Switch port you may have a long wait ahead.

Super Mega Team [Twitter]

Rise & Shine's Switch port is 'hanging by a thread' due to Unity issues screenshot

via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/rise-shine-s-switch-port-is-hanging-by-a-thread-due-to-unity-issues-486496.phtml