Friday, February 2, 2018

News:: Join the Flixist staff and revel in the mysterious world of ninjas

Hello, Internet.

We're looking for some writers for Flixist. If you're the type of person who can string some words together in a coherent sentence, and also enjoys watching movies then we may want you! If you live in LA that would be even better as we've got a host of opportunities for screening movies out there, and no one on staff who lives in la la land.

To apply for a position we'll want to see what you can do. To get the ball rolling simply send an email to with your basic info and why you want to write for the site. You need to be 18 to apply. That's in terms of actual age. Most of us on staff never grew up mentally beyond the age of five.

For all those considering applying, please realize that this is a time commitment and while it pays, it is minimal. It is, however, awesomely fun, and you'll learn the secret handshake that everyone who writes for Niero knows. So that's nice.

Join the Flixist staff and revel in the mysterious world of ninjas screenshot

via destructoid