Wednesday, February 14, 2018

News:: Capcom once again addresses the fan-demand for a Monster Hunter: World Switch port

Capcom has been getting hit nonstop with port requests for Monster Hunter: World. And why not? The entire series started off in the portable realm, and odds are the Switch can run a version of it if we're seeing heavy-hitting AAA games like Doom and Wolfenstein II on the platform.

But Capcom didn't plan ahead for the Switch's success, as they started development on World years ago on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Speaking to Toyo Keizai, Haruhiro Tsujimoto, Capcom president, re-iterated that they're aware of said demand: "We’re aware of that request. However, taking into account various conditions, bringing Monster Hunter: World now for release is difficult. The reason is that the Switch has different functions from other stationary consoles as well as different players. Each game console as its own characteristic, and it’s necessary that we, as game makers, adapt to that when making [a game]. From now on, we’re looking at how we can support the Switch with our games, and that also includes Monster Hunter."

This whole situation is pretty easy to explain. A lot of developers, Capcom included, were incredibly sheepish with the Switch following the disastrous Wii U. Many didn't feel like investing too heavily in it; a decision that's biting them in the butt at the moment. Capcom now has to basically weigh if it's worth porting over World now, when they're already hard at work on the PC port, or if they should just wait until the "Plus/Extreme/Kai/Ultra/Universe" version.

Monster Hunter World [Toyo Keizai via Nintendo Life]

Capcom once again addresses the fan-demand for a Monster Hunter: World Switch port screenshot

via destructoid