I'm anxious to see how Star Wars Battlefront II shakes out. DICE has made some much-needed improvements over the last game but there are plenty of off-putting decisions, too. I like that there's a proper story mode this time, and that the studio is able to cover more of the Star Wars universe. Not having a costly season pass to split up the community is also a step in the right direction.
But then there's the way the game handles player progression. There's the loot boxes. There's all the "recurrent consumer spending" stuff that EA can use to justify giving out post-release content. Earlier today, we got an extensive look at how much Battlefront II's microtransactions will cost. Now, on the brighter and less-headache-inducing side, we're getting a preview of the game's free DLC.
The first content season begins December 5 and will entail not only multiplayer add-ons -- Finn and Phasma, a pair of maps, another vehicle -- but also an extension of the story mode with new chapters.
It all starts with choosing a side. On December 5, you’ll have an opportunity to align with the First Order or choose to fight for the Resistance. Your choice is important, as it will allow you to take part in special challenges that will grant your faction specific rewards.
Things kick into high gear on December 13. Your favorite stormtrooper-turned-hero Finn joins the fight for the Resistance and Captain Phasma steps on to the Battlefront for the First Order. They can be purchased with in-game Credits that week. Whichever faction is victorious in completing the most challenges that week will net a reward as well: a special Crate of high-power upgrades for Finn or Captain Phasma.
New locations and vehicles will also arrive. On December 13, the cinematic content from Star Wars: The Last Jedi continues with a new planetary map: Crait. The Starfighter Assault map of D'Qar will join as well, plus a new hero ship – Tallie Lintra's RZ-2 A-wing. Poe Dameron’s T-70 X-wing is also upgraded with a new ability inspired by Star Wars: The Last Jedi .
Iden Versio returns. In Star Wars Battlefront II Resurrection, you’ll join Commander Iden Versio during the days of the First Order’s rise to power. These new chapters of Star Wars Battlefront II’s single-player story mode will be available December 13.
Your choice of faction will continue to matter. Throughout December, you'll see your chosen faction's progress reflected in-game, as you fight alongside allies from around the world to swing the tide of battle.
Like I said, I'm anxious. Having all this content for free is great, but not if it comes at the cost of a loot box scheme that sours the multiplayer. It feels like someone made a wish with a monkey's paw.
Choose a Side: The Last Jedi Season Is Coming [EA]
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2zKBblU