"Love letter" is in the pantheon of meaningless and/or trite words and phrases to avoid as a games writer. It's up there with "visceral," "fans of the genre," and "_____ fans, rejoice!" All of those have lost impact over time, through years and years of overuse. They're neutered words.
But damnit, I'm having a tough time coming up with a more appropriate phrase for Slayaway Camp. It's an honest-to-god love letter to campy slasher flicks. Developer Blue Wizard clearly understands the source material and what makes those movies work. Then it subverts the tone while still maintaining all the fun schlock.
Slayaway Camp isn't your traditional Halloween game. It doesn't aim to scare like Friday the 13th and Outlast 2 and Until Dawn. Instead, its sights are set on horror cliches by killing people in the dumbest ways possible. Make the camp counselors run into a hole; send the panicked office drone scurrying into an electrical fence.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2yMeuw7