Thursday, October 12, 2017

News:: Junkrat will be disabled for the Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon HGC Finals

Junkrat was just released on the PTR for Heroes of the Storm for testing, and players (myself included) have...thoughts on him -- I've refrained from even giving out impressions at the moment because I need to get more of a handle on how he works.

That uncertainty is good enough for Blizzard it seems, as they've announced that they're disabling Junkrat for the HGC Finals, which will take place at BlizzCon next month. A lot of the frustration is centered around his mines, which have the same pushback concept as Overwatch, but to an exaggerated degree that allows Junkrat to fling people over walls or get himself to safety. That, and his absurd ultimate that was created for Heroes that lets him ride an invulnerable rocket, blow up, and immediately respawn with a super fast rocket mount.

HGC will be using the Junkrat patch though, just with the title character unavailable to play. The very same patch that has major tweaks for Zul'jin, Nazeebo, and Muradin. It should be an interesting Finals set!

Heroes eSports [Twitter]

Junkrat will be disabled for the Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon HGC Finals screenshot

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