Thursday, October 12, 2017

News:: The Frozen Wilds will be Horizon Zero Dawn's only expansion

Guerrilla Games is capping off Horizon Zero Dawn next month with The Frozen Wilds, an expansion set in "a boreal wasteland to the north that separates the Banuk homelands from the rest of the world."

The studio has confirmed this will be the game's first and only expansion, and I don't know how the rest of you are feeling, but I find comfort in knowing this is going to be the end of the road. (For now, I mean -- until the IP inevitably picks back up with a new game in the not-too-distant future.)

This latest trailer makes me want to bundle up with a blanket that's fresh out of the dryer.

If you're thinking of buying Horizon Zero Dawn, here's your reminder that a complete edition is planned for early December. Guerrilla says "all DLC items and The Frozen Wild are on the disc," while the supplemental materials -- the theme and the digital artbook -- will be downloadable.

The Frozen Wilds will be Horizon Zero Dawn's only expansion screenshot

via destructoid