More than six years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the ensuing tsunami that devastated the Tohoku region of Japan on March 11, 2011, the "Pokémon With You" initiative continues to work to bring smiles and hope to affected children, many of whom are still living in provisional housing. Pokémon With You has continually made school and home visits, among many other events, to cheer kids up.
One of their many attempts to bring happiness with the Pokémon With You Train, which was decked out with various types of Pokémon and started running in 2012. Now the trains two cars have been renewed and plastered with Pikachu. Only Pikachu. The communication car is basically for actually sitting down, while the playroom car lives up to it's name with lots of Pikachu dolls of differing sizes along with a fake driver cab and engine room.
via destructoid